How to long your penis. Why You Shouldn't Touch Penis Pills and What You Should Use Instead to Make Your Penis 2-3" Bigger

How to long your penis

How to long your penis

Penis pills are bad news on multiple levels. Not only do they not work, but the pills can actually make you sick, and what's worse is that these companies will keep you on recurring billing even when you try to cancel. These pill aren't cheap either, sometimes a year's supply can cost $3,000. There is an alternative which is cheap and safe though.

So why are penis pills so bad for my wallet and health?

Well, it's a cold hard scientific fact that there is currently no known substance on planet earth that will make your penis inches larger as advertised by these companies. So, when they claim that you will get bigger by taking pills it is truly a case of it's too good to true. And it is also a case of blatant fraud. They get away with their lies, because they make tons of money and hire excellent lawyers. The ingredients that don't work are so cheap that they have a huge profit margin and their only cost is advertising.

So, not only are you getting lied to, but you are also eating crap-literally. The Wall Street Journal ordered a lab test to be done on a group of penis pills, and the researchers found fecal matter in the pills. Not only that, but they found lead, pesticides, and mold. So you are actually paying to be contaminated with toxins that do nothing but bad to you.

These companies are actually getting sued, because they are not only blatantly lying, but they are actually using extreme billing practices to bill people silly even after they cancel their accounts. Some guys are canceling their plans, and they are being repeatedly billed and told that they agreed to contracts even when they haven't.

What else is there besides pumps and surgery that will actually work to make my penis longer?

There are penis hand exercises, which absolutely work, and can make you up to 3 inches longer if you stay committed to them. To get several inches bigger will take months, but you will have these gains for the rest of your life, and you can stop doing the exercises once you achieve your desired size. They are safe and natural. They are no more dangerous than masturbation if done correctly.

How to long your penis

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